baby turtles

These little babies are due to hatch!


On the 17th November...


On the 17th November our guides at Jakera were alerted by a local that a female turtle, thought to be the rare Oliver Ridley, came out of the sea, onto the sand by Banana Beach, and laid a nest of eggs before retreating back to her home in the ocean. 

After a lot of time carefully removing the sand with gloves where the nest was thought to be, we discovered the first of what would turn out to be many, many eggs…



Rehoming a turtle nest requires the most gentle of hands and patience, our guides have a lot of experience in this area and ended up working hard for over an hour carefully uncovering and removing the eggs one by one into a bucket filled with sand from the nest, being sure to place them in the same positions they were found in order to ensure as little disturbance as possible. 


Having already made a hole to mimic that of the turtle mother’s in Jakera’s secure hatchery, our guides began placing the eggs from the bucket into the new hole, again ensuring that the sand from the nest with the mothers DNA was sprinkled in their new home. Having counted the potential baby turtles whilst re-homing them, the total came to an incredible 123 eggs! In this day and age this is a huge number, we deduced that the mother must have been young and healthy which is excellent news in terms of what this could mean for the whole species, go mama! 


These little babies are due to hatch in the new year when our team will be monitoring the nest for signs of movement every day! 




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