Hermosa Beach Clean Afternoon

What is more rewarding than cleaning up the beaches that we are lucky enough to enjoy every day? Surfing the waves, finishing the day with cold drinks, and watching the sun set over the recently cleaned sand. We teamed up with our surf instructors at TakeOff to curate a day that involved helping the planet and reaping the rewards of preserving the paradise in which we live. A mix of 30 members of students and guides from Jakera set off towards Hermosa beach at 1pm on Wednesday afternoon armed with trash bags, recycling bags, gallons to collect microplastics, and coolers full of ice cold refreshments to enjoy once we finished the days work.

Our brothers from TakeOff met us at the beach with a range of surfboards for us to rent, food to give us energy, and speakers to provide the good tunes. Everyone got stuck in with their best efforts to collect every piece of rubbish and recyclables on the beach, and following the week of Santa Semana there was a lot to be done. After cleaning the beach everyone gathered back at our base where Take Off had set up a table with cold drinks, a DJ booth, and a range of surfboards available to rent and enjoy. We played football on the beach, did some gymnastics, and topped up our tans! Everyone had the most fun day so much and felt super proud of the work they did in helping the environment and enjoying its beauty.




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